Para personas que estén interesadas en hacer el curso de Terapia de Parejas en EMDR (sólo para terapeutas formados en EMDR) en Inglés. For those interested in doing Arun Mansukhani’s EMDR Couple Therapy course in English.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe a conceptual framework and comprehensive way of working with couples that is integrateds EMDR into couples therapy.
  2. Recognize and diagnose different trauma types that underlie conflictive intimacy interaction patterns.
  3. Recognize the most frequent conflictive patterns in couples and adult reactive relational styles.
  4. Identify specific memory reprocessing targets in the life history of patients that have conflictive intimacy relations.
  5. Describe frequent aspects that can hinder or block processing with these patients and specific interventions to work though these problems.
  6. Identify the most common pitfalls and mistakes made when extending EMDR to couple work and how to avoid them and adjust treatment plans as needed.

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